Govt Job for D.Pharm, B.Pharm in Directorate of FDA

Applications last date 24/03/2021

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by The Health Master

The Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration, Government of Goa was established in November’ 1991 with its office functioning from the building premises at Campal, Panaji – Goa. 

Thereafter the office premises was shifted and functioned from the Old Goa Medical Complex at Panaji – Goa; until October 2003 and thereafter  the Directorate functioned from the Old IPHB Complex at Altinho, Panaji – Goa until  February 2014.

Assistant Chemist (Drugs)
Pay Scale : Level 5 of Pay of 7th CPC Rs.29,200/- + allowances as applicable.
No of Posts : 08 (UR -02, ST -02, OBC -03, EWS -01)

Essential Educational qualifications : 
(1) Graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Science with Chemistry or Microbiology of a University established in India by Law or has an equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purposes; and

Picture: Pixabay

(2) Not less than three years’ experience in the analysis of drugs in as reputed pharmaceutical manufacturing company including analysis of drugs by using equipment’s like UV Spectrophotometer, IR Spectrophotometer, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography, etc.

(3) Knowledge of Konkani Desirable: Knowledge of Marathi.

Pay Scale : Level 5 of Pay of 7th CPC Rs.29,200/- + allowances as applicable
No of Posts : 07 (UR -02, ST -01, OBC -03, EWS -01)

Essential Educational qualifications : (1) Diploma in Pharmacy from Board of Technical Education or Degree in Pharmacy from recognized University. (2) Should be registered with the State Council of Pharmacy
(3) Knowledge of konkani.
Desirable:- (i) Not less than three years experience as registered Pharmacist.
(ii) Knowledge of Marathi.

1. Go to Official Website

2. Find a detailed advertisement of all the posts/vacancies containing the terms and conditions alongwith the Proforma of Application, documents required and the instructions can be downloaded by clicking on the link “VACANCIES IN THE DIRECTORATE OF FOOD AND DRUGS ADMINISTRATION” Read it and check Eligibility and then fill up the form correctly.

3. The generated hard copy of Application Form filled in with the necessary details and affixed with his/her recent self attested passport size photograph on the space provided and duly signed at the bottom of the application form shall be submitted by hand delivery/through postal delivery in the Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration from 01/03/2021 to 24/03/2021 between 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. on all working day. The applications in any form received after the due date will be summarily rejected.

4. Only the eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria as per recruitment rules/advertisement shall apply and the candidates need not furnish any documents at the time of applying for the post. However, the candidature of shortlisted candidate shall not be considered, if he/she is found ineligible at the time of verification of essential documents, even though he/she has passed the examination.

5. Only application will be accepted with declaration from candidates stating that” the contents of the application are true to his/her own knowledge and he/she possess the requisite qualification and other mandatory documents for the post. He/she understands that in the event of particulars or information given herein being found false or incorrect, his/her candidature for the recruitment is liable to be REJECTED OR CANCELLED EVEN AFTER SELECTION.

6. The eligible candidates will have to clear written examination; syllabus for the same shall be made available on official website Depending upon number of applications received, this Directorate may decide to conduct, screening test and only those who clear screening test shall be called for written examination.

7. The total marks of written examination shall be 100 and duration of examination shall be two hours.

8. Selection of the candidates shall be determined in accordance with the marks obtained by each candidate in written examination as per merit. The entire result shall be published on the notice board of the Department, as well as on the portal and

9. If two or more candidates secure equal marks in the written examination then order of merit shall be as per their date of birth and if in case the date of birth is also same, then the candidate possessing higher educational qualifications will be placed higher in the merit list.

10. Candidates applying for the post must possess 15 years continuous residence in the State of Goa issued by the Mamlatdar, except for the following categories:-
• The State Government employees who are working outside the State shall be exempted from producing 15 years residence certificate for their children.
• A person whose marriage is registered in Goa, with the person having fifteen years residence in Goa, and both are residing in the State of Goa continuously for a period of 5 years.
• Ex-servicemen/women and their spouse and children, who are residing in Goa for last two years after discharge/release/retirement from the armed forces.

11. However, preference in employment shall be given to Ex-servicemen of Goan Origin and those who are having 15 years continuous residence period in the State.

12. The candidates already working in the Government, local self Government, Semi- Government, autonomous bodies or establishment or any other department establishment or institution being an instrument of the Government should send their applications through proper channel only on or before the last date of submission of the Application. All such applications received directly without following proper channel shall be rejected.

13. The crutial date for determining the eligibility as to the educational qualification, age, valid domicile/residence certificate, valid employment card, caste belongs etc. shall be 24/03/2021 (closing date); for appointment to the above posts.

14. Interested candidates shall ensure that they are fulfilling the educational qualifications/criteria prescribed for the above posts with the valid certificates of qualification, computer literacy certificate, as applicable, experience certificate, 15 years Residential certificate, Valid Employment Card, Birth Certificate, Caste/Differentlyabled Certificate issued by Competent Authorities.

15. No TA/DA will be paid either for appearing for written test or joining the post.

16. Age limit should not exceed 45 years for all the posts as on closing date of advertisement. Age is relaxable for Govt. servants/ST/OBC/Person with Disability/Children of Freedom Fighter as per the instruction or other orders issued by the Government from time to time.

17. A separate application should be submitted for each type of post.

18. The Government reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any time without any further notice and without assigning any reason thereof.

19. The applicants will be informed for written examination/skill test through email, whatsapp, sms or by sending call letters and the said message or call letter will be valid for all purpose.

The applicants who do not receive any communication with regards to test examination may contact this Directorate.

the applications shall be accepted in the Prescribed Form, at the office of this Directorate at “Dhanwantari” Directorate of Food & Drugs Admn., Opp. The Shrine of Holy Cross, Bambolim – Goa. 403 202, from 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 pm and 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm on all working days with effect from 01/03/2021 till 24/03/2021.


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