New Medical Device developed for 6 tests in 60 seconds without any Blood samples

Iva device has been developed in such a way that it uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology

Medical Device
Medical Device

Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by The Health Master

A start-up company named Bluesemi from the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-Hyderabad) Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) has developed a new and innovative medical device which can conduct 6 medical diagnostic tests without even taking blood samples from the patients.

According to Maddikatla Sunil Reddy, who founded the ‘Bluesemi’ four years ago in the Gatchibowli IIIT campus, he had a dream of developing a new medical device that would conduct vital medical tests without even taking the blood samples or without even using the needle.

“After intense research and innovative thinking as to how we can utilize the new and advanced technology to find solutions, particularly with regard to conducting blood tests, we developed a simple medical device called Iva, which can be held in one hand for 60 seconds, and it will conduct as many as 6 different medical tests on a person without even actually taking a blood sample.

Using Iva device we can detect:

  • Blood glucose level,
  • ECG,
  • Heart rate,
  • Blood pressure,
  • Blood oxygen level (SPO2)
  • Body temperature.

Explaining the mechanism and how one can use the newly developed medical device, Reddy said that first a related application must be downloaded onto the individual’s smartphone and then the device must be connected to the smartphone thru Bluetooth.

And later, the Iva device can be held into the hand of a person who is undergoing the diagnostic tests and in just 60 seconds all the mentioned medical tests results can be obtained from the application installed in the mobile phone.

“Iva device has been developed in such a way that it uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology and it has also been incorporated with internet of things (IoT) technology.

By using these advanced technologies, the device conducts the diagnostic tests in a remarkable way giving highly accurate results and the same are stoned into the mobile application.

Apart from giving the important diagnostic tests results, the device can also give tips for a patient as to what remedies and precautions one  needs to take if at all their test results are beyond normal readings,” informed Reddy.

As the company had already gotten the patent for the new medical device, the Bluesemi founder informed us that by the end of June this year, this device would also be available to the public in the open market. It is expected the device may cost around Rs. 15,500.

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