Pharma unit shut for making medicines without approval

The company was selling the medicine under the Tulip brand but did not have the approval of the authorities to make the drug.

Drug Medicine Pharma manufacturing Factory Industry Unit
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by The Health Master

Pharma unit shut for making medicines without approval

The state health safety and regulation authorities raided a pharmaceutical company at Surajpur in Indora sub-division of Kangra district for manufacturing and selling medicines without approval from the drug regulator, police said on Friday.

Nurpur drug inspector Piar Chand led the raid and seized 1.71 lakh tablets of an anti-inflammatory medicine that had been made illegally. The company is already facing probe for manufacturing fake Remdesivir injections and selling it in black.

Picture: Pixabay

Chand said the raid was conducted jointly with the local police on Thursday and the illegally made medicine was seized from the company’s storehouse. “The medicine is a combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol used as a painkiller,” said Chand, adding the medicine was in demand during the spike in Covid-19 cases recently.

Samples sent for testing

The company was selling the medicine under the Tulip brand but did not have the approval of the authorities to make the drug.

“Production has been stopped and the pharma unit has been sealed,” he said, adding that the samples were being sent for testing and if the medicine was found spurious, the management would be booked under relevant laws.

He said a case for manufacturing the drug without approval will be filed in a Nurpur court.

MP officials alerted HP counterparts

Unit manager Pintu Kumar said the company was closed since the lockdown last year. In August, a person identified as Dr Vinay Tripathi got operations resumed at the unit. He was paying the operation cost and the salary of the staff.

Dr Tripathi was arrested in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, in April for selling spurious Remdesivir injections. He was found in possession of 400 vials of Remdesivir.

The Madhya Pradesh drug control authorities then alerted their Himachal Pradesh counterparts about the fake Remdesivir injection being sourced by the accused from the Kangra-based pharma unit.

During investigation, it emerged that the company had applied for a licence for manufacturing Remdisivir that was rejected. However, the company started manufacturing it without approval. Units of the company are also located in Jammu and the Chintapur area of Madhya Pradesh.

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