Operation of Blood Storage Centres

Operation of Whole Human Blood and / or its Components for Blood Storage Centres

Blood Bank Centre Donation Unit
Picture: Pixabay
Manmohan Taneja

Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by The Health Master

Operation of Blood Storage Centres

Picture: Pixabay

Operation of Whole Human Blood and / or its Components for Blood Storage Centres

Guidelines & Approval Pathway for Operation of Whole Human Blood and/or its Components for Blood Storage Centres


G.S.R. 909(E) dated 20.12.2001 exempted Blood Storage Centres run by FRU, CHCs, PHCs or a hospital etc. from the purview of obtaining license for operation.


Above notification has been inserted in Schedule-K of Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945 under serial no. 5B.


To make abundant availability of Whole Human Blood and its components


This exemption is applicable to those centres which are transfusing blood and/or its components less than 2000 units per year.

Who Can Sponsor:

 Duly licensed Blood Banks run by:

  • Govt. Blood Bank
  • Indian Red Cross Society Blood Bank
  • Regional Blood Transfusion Centre (RBTC)

Suggested Quantities of Blood Units at Storage Centres:

                    A, B, O (+ve)          –         5 units each

                    AB (+ve)                 –         2 units

                    A, B, O (-ve)           –         1 unit each

Requirements as per NACO Guidelines & Schedule-K:

 As per Schedule-K of Drugs & Cosmetics Rules following are the requirements for Blood Storage Centres:-

  • Space               –        10 sq. mtrs
  • Technical Staff –        01 Medical Officer, 01 Lab Technician
    (both should be trained)
  • Electricity         –        24 hours regular supply with generator backup
  • Equipments     –         Refrigerator with capacity of 50 units, Insulated
  • Carriers with ice-packs, Deep Freezer,
  • Microscope, Centrifuge Reagents
  • Disinfectants
  • Approval Pathway


Application with sponsorship letter from licensed Blood Bank alongwith relevant documents as per NACO guidelines to State Licensing Authority (SLA)

Inspection of Blood Storage Centre by officers under control of SLA to verify facilities as per Schedule-K

Inspection of Blood Bank who has sponsored

Verify spare quantity of blood units and

Mode of shippers

Submission of report by concerned officers

Certificate of approval by SLA on NACO’s prescribed format


Two years from the date of issue.
Renewal must be applied before 3 months of expiry

List of SOPs used in Blood Centres

List of SOPs used in Blood Centres, click the link below to download:

List of SOPs used in Blood Centres

NACO Guidelines

NACO – Guidelines for Setting up Blood Storage Centres 2007

NACO – Guidelines for Setting up Blood Storage Centres 2007


G.S.R. 909E dt 20-12-2001 Blood Storage Centre


For notifications of Blood Bank / Centre, click below link:

Notifications – Blood Bank / Centre

Blood Centre (Bank) – requirements at a glance

FAQs – on Blood Centre (Series-3)

FAQs – on Blood Centre (Series-2)

FAQs – on Blood Centre (Series-1)

FAQs on Legal Metrology & Blood Bags

FAQs – on Blood Bags and its Testing

Pharmacopoeial status of Blood and its components

Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Blood Clots

Adequate and safe blood transfusion for all: Article

Mandatory requirements for Blood donation camps

Bombay Blood Group

Why India needs more blood donors: Article

Operation of Blood Storage Centres

Blood Centre: Precautions and safety to be observed during blood transfusion

Blood Bank / Centre: Difference Between SDP and RDP

Blood Storage Centre

Operation of Blood Storage Centres

Blood Bank / Centre: Difference Between SDP and RDP

Blood Centre: Precautions and safety to be observed during blood transfusion

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