Govt Job: For Pharmacists under Ministry of Defence

Changes to this notice will be posted to this website only.

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by The Health Master

Retired Armed Forces personnel till 2002 could avail medical facilities only for specific high cost surgery/treatment for a limited number of diseases covered under the Army Group Insurance (Medical Branch Scheme) (AGI (MBS)) and Armed Forces Group Insurance Scheme (Management Information System) (AFGIS (MIS)) schemes.

These medicare schemes could provide some relief to the ESM, but it was not a comprehensive scheme as compared to and available for other Central Government Employees.

Applications are invited for short listing suitable candidates for contractual employment for 11/12 months’ duration at short notice as per the required basis of vacancies occurring in ECHS Polyclinics as noted against each.

Post : Pharmacist

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

No of Posts : 07 (Alappuzha – 02, Thrissur – 02, Kottayam – 02, Kunnamkulam – 01)

Minimum Qualifications : 10th, Plus 2, Diploma, B.Phram, minimum experience 3 yrs

Fixed Remuneration : Rs 28100/-

Reser for ESM : 70%

Note * : Tax will be deducted at source as applicable.

Preference will be given to ESM,Veer Naris, widows & dependents for all categories. In the event of non availability of eligible ESM candidates, Gen candidates will be considered.

All candidates are required to submit their application as per format given below along with Bio-data (Passport size photograph duly affixed) and attested copy of the under mentioned documents by 10 December 2021 at Station Headquarters Kochi (Army), Naval Base (PO), Kochi- 682004. Application received after 10 Dec 2021 will not be considered:-

(a) Educational certificates (including 10712” and final exam pass certificate)
(b) Experience certificate for counting total experience for the post applied.
(To be attached as per seniority)
(c) Mark sheets.

(d) No. of attempts certificate.
(e) Registration certificate.(For medical cat)
(f) Compulsory Rotatory Internship Certificate. .(For medical cat)
(g) Any other certificate required for the post applied only.

(h) Discharge book (Armed Forces candidates only).
(j) Pension Payment Order (Armed Forces candidates only).
(k) Medical Fitness Certificate showing fit to perform the duties of post applied for from a Medical Officer.

Appointing authority reserves the rights to reject /cancel the applications based on incomplete application/certificates/mandated qualifications/experience without assigning reasons.

Short listed candidate will only be called for Interview. No intimation will be given to rejected applicants.

(a) Candidates are permitted to apply for vacancies in a maximum of two polyclinics. Candidates applying for multiple vacancies (appointments) should mention their priority in all applications.

(b) No TA/DA will be given for attending interview.

(c) Candidates earlier selected but unwilling to join duty and candidates employed in ECHS but whose service were terminated need not to apply.

(d) Employment of all individuals will be at the discretion of the appointing authority. Change in terms and condition of employment arising out of unforeseen circumstances at any stage of employment without any prejudice would be without compensation at the discretion of the appointing authority.

(e) Changes to this notice will be posted to this website only.

(f) Anybody found using unfair means for securing appointment or giving fake info will be severely dealt with as per the Code of Criminal Procedure Act 1973 on the subject.

After scrutiny of the applications received by ECHS Cell Station HQ Kochi on or before 10 December 2021, eligible candidates will be informed through telephone or e-mail about the time, date and place of interview.

Final available vacancy for each category will be based on the latest approval given by Central Organisation of ECHS

Application Form & More Info

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