Remifentanil: A Powerful Pain Medication

Remifentanil is a powerful medication that should only be used under the supervision of a licensed medical professional.

NDPS Act Narcotic drugs
Lalit Kr. Goel

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by The Health Master


Remifentanil is a potent, synthetic opioid analgesic used during surgery to provide pain relief.

It is typically administered through injection and works by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system (CNS).

Legal Classification

Remifentanil is classified as a manufactured drug under the Narcotic And Psychotropic Drugs Act 1985 (NDPS Act), specifically Section 2(b)(xi) vide notification No. S.O.1431(E) dated 21 June 2011.

This means it is a controlled substance with restrictions on its use and distribution.

Availability and Recent Designation

Remifentanil is available in injectable forms of 1mg and 2mg.

It was designated as a new drug by the Drugs Controller General (I) (DCGI), CDSCO in 2024.

However, it is not yet classified as an Essential Narcotic Drug (END) under Rule 52 N of the NDPS Act.

Important Note

Remifentanil is a powerful medication that should only be used under the supervision of a licensed medical professional.

It has the potential for serious side effects, including respiratory depression.

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