Pharmacist Change at Medical Store

Last Updated on March 16, 2025 by The Health Master

Pharmacist Change at Medical Store

Change of Competent Person (Registered Pharmacist / Experience Person at Medical Store, Pharmacy or Whole sale Unit)

RSDL: Retail Sale Drugs License
WSDL: Whole Sale Drugs License
CP: Competent Person
RP: Regd. Pharmacist
EP: Experience Person

CP= RP (Regd Pharmacist) = EP (Experience Person)

All the medical stores and pharmacies (wholesaler or retailer) have to maintain records of changes in CP (RP or EP). Here is a list of documents required for a change of CP (RP or EP) to be submitted at the office of drug authorities:

CP: RP or EP in case of Whole sale
CP: RP in case of Retail sales

For those who have got licenses on ONDLS or registered on ONDLS

Click below link for change of pharmacist:

For those who have got offline licenses

List of documents for change in CP (RP / EP)

Application for change in CP (RP / EP) The application must have the following details:
Previous CP
Name of previous CP
Date of resignation
New CP
Name of new CP
Date of joining
Regn. No. (in case of RP)
Mob. No.
Aadhaar No.
Details of previous work of CP, if any, with proof of resignation
Gap between the resignation of previous CP and joining of New CP
Medical Store Pharmacy
Picture: Pixabay
Resignation proof of a new CP from the previous firm, if any.
Drug license Resignation of previous CP
Joining letter of the new CP.
Qualification certificates of new CP
Approval letter of CP
Up-to-date registration certificate for the new CP
Residence proof of  new CP
Resignation proof of a new CP from the previous firm if any.
Medical Store Pharmacy Medicine Pharmacist
Picture: Pixabay
Non-conviction / self-declaration of new CP Having details of his: Qualification Previous working with name of firm Date of resignation Joining date at the new firm.
Non-conviction / self-declaration of Prop./Partner, etc. Having details of change of CP: Name & date of resignation of previous CP Name & date of joining of new CP
Non conviction / self-declaration of new CP Having details of his: Qualification Previous working with name of firm Date of resignation Joining date at the new firm.

Important: It is very important to join new CP forthwith after resigning of a previous CP and inform the drug authorities with in one month.

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To download the PDF file of above-mentioned details, click below link

To download the Specimen performa for change of Competent person at the firm, click below link

To download the specimen of self declaration of CP, click below link

To download the Specimen performs for submitting resignation by Competent person (Registered Pharmacist or Experience person), click below link

Note: Document requirements may vary from state to state

Compiled by:
Rakesh DahiyaSDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana

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