Mandatory requirements for Blood donation camp

What are the requirements for Blood donation camp

Blood Bank Centre Donation Unit
Picture: Pixabay
Rakesh Dahiya

Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by The Health Master

Mandatory requirements for Blood donation camp

Blood can’t be manufactured

Donate Blood, Save Life

What are the requirements for the blood donation camp?

For holding a blood donation camp, the following requirements shall be fulfilled or complied with:

Picture: Pixabay


(a) The premises under the blood donation camp shall have sufficient area, and the location shall be hygienic so as to allow proper operation, maintenance, and cleaning.

(b) All information regarding the personnel working, equipment used and facilities available at such a Camp shall be well documented and made available for inspection, if required, ensuring

(i) continuous and uninterrupted electrical supply for equipment used in the Camp;

(ii) adequate lighting for all the required activities;

(iii) hand-washing facilities for staff;

(iv) reliable communication system to the central office of the Controller / organizer of the Camp;

(v) furniture and equipment arranged within the available space;

(vj) refreshment facilities for donors and staff;

(vii) facilities for medical examination of the donors;

(viii) proper disposal of waste.


To collect blood from 50 to 70 donors in about 3 hours or from 100 to 120 donors in 5 hours, the following requirements shall be fulfilled / complied with :-

(i) One Medical Officer and two nurses or phlebotomists to manage 6–8 donor tables;

(ii) two medicosocial workers;

(iii) three blood bank technicians;

(iv) two attendants;

(v) vehicle having a capacity to seat 8–10 persons, with provision for carriage of donation goods, including facilities to conduct a blood donation camp.


1.  BP apparatus
2. Stethoscope.
3. Blood bags (single, double, triple, quadruple)
4.  Donor questionnaire
5. Weighing device for donors
6. Weighing device for blood bags,

7. Artery forceps, scissors
8. Stripper for blood tubing
9. Bed sheets, blankets, or mattresses
10. Lancets, swab sticks, / toothpicks
11. Glass slides.
12. Portable Hb meter/copper sulfate

13. Test tube (big) and 12×100 mm (small)
14. Test tube stand
15. Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti-AB, Antisera and Anti-D
16. Test tube sealer film.
17.  Medicated adhesive tape
18. Plastic waste basket

19. Donor cards and refreshment for donors.
20. Emergency medical kit
21. Insulated blood bag containers with provisions for storing between 2 degree centigrade to 10 degree centigrade.
22. Dielectric sealer or portable sealer
23. Needle destroyer (wherever necessary)

Requirements for Blood Donation camp

Guidelines and requirements for arranging Blood Donation Camps by Blood banks. Download the PDF file for ready reference.


The Central Government has issued a notification dated 03-04-2017 regarding Blood transfers to another Blood Bank and Blood donation Camps. Click below for the said notification:


List of emergency equipment, items, and drugs to be kept in the Blood Centre / Bank:

(i) Oxygen cylinder with mask, gauge, and pressure regulator
(ii) 5 percent Glucose or Normal Saline.
(iii) Disposable sterile syringes and needles of various sizes
(iv) Disposable sterile I.V. infusion sets
(v) Ampoules of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Mephentin, Betamethasone or Dexamethasone, and Metoclopramide injections,
(vi) Aspirin.

Deferment of blood donation

Blood donation cannot be done under the conditions mentioned below for the period mentioned in the table below:

Abortions6 months
History of Blood6 months
Surgery12 months 
Typhoid12 months after recovery
History of Malaria and duly treated 2 months (endemic) 3 years (non endemic area)
Tattoo6 months
Breast feeding12 months after delivery
Immunization (Cholera, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Plague, Gammaglobulin)15 days  
Rabies vaccination1 year after vaccination
History of Hepatitis in family or close contact12 months
Immunoglobulin12 months

These people should not donate blood

No person shall donate blood, and no blood bank shall draw blood from a person, suffering from any of the diseases mentioned below, namely:

(a) Cancer
(b) Heart disease
(c) Abnormal bleeding tendencies
(d) Unexplained weight loss

(e) Diabetes-controlled on insulin
(f) Hepatitis infection
(g) Chronic nephritis
(h) Signs and symptoms, suggestive of AIDS

(i ) Liver diseases
(j) Tuberculosis
(k) Polycythemia vera
(l) Asthma

(m) Epilepsy
(n) Leprosy
(o) Schizophrenia
(p) Endocrine disorders

Procedure to obtain license for Blood Centre (Blood Bank)

Latest Notifications: Blood Centre / Bank

Blood Centre (Bank) – requirements at a glance

FAQs – on Blood Bank / Centre (Part-1)

FAQs – on Blood Bank / Centre (Part-2)

FAQs – on Blood Bank / Centre (Part-3)

FAQs – on Blood Bags and its Testing

Mandatory requirements for Blood donation camps

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Blood Bank / Centre: Difference Between SDP and RDP

Blood Centre: Precautions and safety to be observed during blood transfusion

Compiled by:
Rakesh DahiyaSDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana

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