NPPA revised Ceiling price of 111 scheduled formulations: January 2023

Download NPPA notification No. S.O. S.O. 194(E) dt 11-01-2023

NPPA National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on December 31, 2023 by The Health Master

Download NPPA notification No. S.O. S.O. 194(E) dt 11-01-2023, the link is given below: Through a recent notice, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India, has fixed the retail price of 4 scheduled formulations vide vide S.O. 194(E) dt 11-01-2023 based on the decision of 107th Authority meeting dated 11.01.2023

This price fixation followed the decision of the 107th Authority meeting on January 01, 2023.

In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraphs 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 18 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013, read with S.O. 1394(E) dated 30th May, 2013 and S.O. 5249(E) dated 11th November, 2022 issued by the Government of India the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers and in supersession of the Order of the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority) No SO
1499(E) dated 30th March, 2022 in so far as it relates to formulation packs mentioned in the table below, except in respect of things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (hereinafter referred as NPPA) hereby fixes the price as specified in column (5) of the table herein below as ceiling price exclusive of goods
and services tax applicable, if any, in respect of the Scheduled formulation specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table with the dosage form & strength and unit specified respectively in the corresponding entries in columns (3) and (4) thereof:


  Sl. No.Name of the Scheduled Formulation  Dosage form and strength  Unit  Ceiling Price (Rs.)
1LevothyroxineTablet 62.5mcg1 Tablet1.44
2OndansetronTablet 4 mg1 Tablet4.58
3ClindamycinTablet 300mg1 Tablet16.92
4PrednisoloneTablet 40mg1 Tablet3.04
5Zoledronic acidPowder for Injection 4mg1 Vial2133.32
6AdenosineInjection 3mg/mL1 ML82.81
7CiprofloxacinDrops 0.3 %1 ML1.37
8IsofluraneLiquid for inhalation1 ML8.61
9CytosinearabinosideInjection 1000mg/vial1 Vial1008.07
10MetronidazoleInjection 500mg/100mL1 ML0.19
11CiprofloxacinInjection 200mg/100mL1 ML0.18
12AmiodaroneInjection 50mg/mL1 ML18.85
  13Lopinavir (A) + Ritonavir(B)  Tablet 200 mg (A) + 50mg (B)  1 Tablet  42.78
  14Artemether (A) + Lumefantrine(B)  Tablet 40 mg (A) + 240 mg (B)  1 Tablet  16.09
15AzithromycinPowder for Injection 500mg1 Vial182.58
16VancomycinPowder for Injection 500 mg1 Vial283.28
17VancomycinPowder for Injection 1000mg1 Vial419.40
18AcyclovirPowder for Injection 250 mg1 Vial380.28
19MethylergometrineTablet 0.125mg1 Tablet7.97
20StreptokinaseInjection 15,00,000IU1 Vial1674.28
21D-PenicillamineCapsule 250 mg1 Capsule13.96
22ThiamineTablet 100 mg1 Tablet3.98
23VancomycinPowder for Injection 250 mg1 Vial224.08
24EtoposideCapsule 50mg1 Capsule50.51
25SpironolactoneTablet 50mg1 Tablet3.90
26SalbutamolOral liquid 2mg/5mL1 ML0.16
27DomperidoneOral Liquid 1mg/mL1 ML1.11
28AmoxicillinCapsule 250mg1 Capsule2.18
29FluconazoleTablet 150mg1 Tablet10.76
30CetirizineTablet 10mg1 Tablet1.68
31PhenobarbitoneTablet 60mg1 Tablet1.69
    32Artesunate (A) + Sulphadoxine – Pyrimethamine (B)  Combi pack (A+B) 1 Tablet 50mg (A) + 1Tablet (500mg + 25mg) (B)  1 Combi Pack    20.11
33HydrochlorothiazideTablet 25 mg1 Tablet1.56
34EfavirenzTablet 600mg1 Tablet62.96
35ChloroquineTablet 150 mg1 Tablet1.04
36PrednisoloneOral liquid 5mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.44
37PrednisoloneOral liquid 15mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.77
38MisoprostolTablet 100mcg1 Tablet8.85
    39Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate (A) + Lamivudine (B)    Tablet 300mg (A) + 300mg(B)    1 Tablet    40.65
    40Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate (A) +Lamivudine (B)+ Efavirenz(C)  Tablet 300mg(A)+ 300mg (B) + 600mg(C)    1 Tablet    91.72
  41Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate (TDF)*  Tablet 300mg  1 Tablet  40.88
42LithiumTablet 300mg1 Tablet1.45
  43Amoxicillin (A) + Clavulanic acid (B)Powder for Injection 500mg (A) + 100mg (B)  1 Vial  90.38
44StreptomycinPowder for Injection 750 mg1 Vial9.01
45BleomycinPowder for Injection 15units1 Vial604.14
46CyclophosphamidePowder for Injection 500mg1 Vial65.54
47DacarbazinePowder for Injection 500mg1 Vial462.71
48HydrochlorothiazideTablet 12.5mg1 Tablet0.93
49CyclosporineCapsule 25 mg1 Capsule25.01
50AcyclovirPowder for Injection 500 mg1 Vial471.29
51RisperidoneOral liquid 1mg/mL1 ML1.97
52HaloperidolOral liquid 2mg/5mL1 ML2.00
53CaffeineOral liquid 20 mg/mL1 ML219.11
54CholecalciferolOral liquid 400 IU/mL1 ML2.33
55TemozolomideCapsule 100mg1 Capsule1345.52
56ArtesunatePowder for Injection 60 mg1 Vial218.26
57ArtesunatePowder for Injection 120mg1 Vial405.28
58DiazepamTablet 5 mg1 Tablet1.45
59LevetiracetamOral liquid 100 mg/mL (p)1 ML3.54
60MebendazoleOral liquid 100mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.75
61CefadroxilOral liquid 125mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.61
62ClarithromycinOral liquid 125mg/5mL(p)1 ML4.11
63MetronidazoleOral liquid 200mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.46
  64Amoxicillin (A) + Clavulanic acid (B)Dry Syrup 125mg (A) + 31.25 (B)/5mL(p)  1 ML  1.83
656-MercaptopurineTablet 50mg1 Tablet4.69
66CyclosporineOral liquid 100mg/mL(p)1 ML71.87
67LabetalolInjection 5mg/mL1 ML44.58
68GlycopyrrolateInjection 0.2mg/mL1 ML12.96
69Tranexamic acidInjection 100 mg/mL1 ML12.23
70DiazepamInjection 5mg/mL1 ML4.94
71ParacetamolOral Liquid 125 mg/5 mL (p)1 ML0.33
72MetoclopramideOral liquid 5mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.45
73NaloxoneInjection 0.4mg/mL1 ML82.70
  74Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM)  Injection 25mg/mL  1 ML  4.07
75NeostigmineInjection 0.5mg/mL1 ML4.47
76PhenobarbitoneInjection 200mg/mL1 ML19.75
77TrastuzumabInjection 440mg/50mL1 Vial48806.02
78BortezomibPowder for Injection 2mg1 Vial4691.51
79ImatinibTablet 400mg1 Tablet178.03
80DocetaxelPowder for Injection 80mg1 Vial9215.98
81RibavirinCapsule 200 mg1 Capsule23.63
82Tranexamic acidTablet 500 mg1 Tablet16.54
  83Levodopa (A) + Carbidopa (B)Modified Release–Tablet 200mg (A) + 50mg (B)  1 Tablet  4.22
84AmitriptylineTablet 10mg1 Tablet2.13
85MifepristoneTablet 200mg1 Tablet312.96
86Folic AcidTablet 5 mg1 Tablet1.35
87RifampicinCapsule 150mg1 Capsule2.04
88RifampicinCapsule 300mg1 Capsule4.11
89IbuprofenTablet 400mg1 Tablet1.07
90Potassium chlorideOral liquid 500mg/5mL1 ML0.27
91LactuloseOral liquid 10 g/15mL1 ML1.10
92ChloroquineOral liquid 50mg/5mL1 ML0.30
93CarbamazepineOral liquid 100mg/5mL(p)1 ML0.28
94OxaliplatinInjection 5 mg/mL in 10 mL vial1 Vial1992.32
95ProparacaineEye Drops0.5%1 ML9.14
96ParacetamolOral Liquid 250 mg/5 mL (p)1 ML0.60
97OndansetronOral liquid 2mg/5mL(p)1 ML1.12
98EtoposideInjection 20mg/mL1 ML30.78
99TropicamideEye drop 1 %1 ML8.41
100TimololDrops 0.5 %1 ML11.95
101MannitolInjection 20 %1 ML0.31
102Glyceryl trinitrateInjection 5mg/mL1 ML5.52
103PhenytoinInjection 50mg/mL1 ML5.31
104DiclofenacInjection 25mg/mL1 ML1.51
105N-acetylcysteineInjection 200 mg/mL1 ML21.08
106DopamineInjection 40mg/mL1 ML4.25
107StreptomycinPowder for Injection 1000mg1 Vial9.69
108ParacetamolOral liquid 120 mg/5 mL (p)1 ML0.54
109ClomiphenecitrateTablet 100 mg1 Tablet12.44
110ClomiphenecitrateTablet 50mg1 Tablet7.88
  111Medroxyprogesterone acetate  Tablet 10 mg  1 Tablet  5.57

(a) All manufacturers of scheduled formulation, selling the branded or generic or both the versions of scheduled formulations at a price higher than the ceiling price (plus Goods and Services Tax as applicable) so fixed and notified by the Government, shall revise the prices of all such formulations downward not exceeding the ceiling price specified in column (5) in the above table plus goods and services tax as applicable, if any.

(b) All the existing manufacturers of above mentioned scheduled formulations having MRP lower than the ceiling price specified in column (5) in the above table plus goods and services tax as applicable, if any, shall continue to maintain the existing MRP in accordance with paragraph 13 (2) of the DPCO, 2013.

(c) The manufacturers may add goods and services tax only if they have paid actually or if it is payable to the Government on the ceiling price mentioned in column (5) of the above-said table.

(d) The ceiling price for a pack of the scheduled formulation shall be arrived at by the concerned manufacturer in accordance with the ceiling price specified in column (5) of the above table as per provisions contained in paragraph 11 of the DPCO 2013.

The manufacturer shall issue a price list in Form–V from the date of the Notification as per paragraph 24 of the DPCO, 2013 to NPPA through IPDMS and submit a copy to State Drug Controller and dealers.

(e) As per para 24(4) of DPCO 2013, every retailer and dealer shall display the price list and the supplementary price list, if any, as furnished by the manufacturer, on a conspicuous part of the premises where he carries on business in a manner to be easily accessible to any person wishing to consult the same.

(f) Where an existing manufacturer of scheduled formulation with dosage or strength or both as specified in the above table launches a new drug as per paragraph 2 (u) of the DPCO, 2013 such existing manufacturer shall apply for prior price approval of such new drug to the NPPA in Form I as specified under Schedule II of the DPCO, 2013.

(g) The manufacturers of above said scheduled formulations shall furnish quarterly returns to the NPPA, in respect of the production/import and sale of scheduled formulations in Form-III of Schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013 through IPDMS.

Any manufacturer intending to discontinue production of above said scheduled formulation shall furnish information to the NPPA, in respect of discontinuation of production and/or import of scheduled formulation in Form-IV of Schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013 at least six months prior to the intended date of discontinuation.

(h) The manufacturers not complying with the ceiling price and notes specified hereinabove shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount along with interest thereon under the provisions of the DPCO 2013 read with Essential Commodities Act, 1955.

(i) Consequent to the issue of the ceiling price of such formulation as specified in column (2) of the above table in this notification, the price order(s) fixing ceiling or retail price, if any, issued prior to the above-said date of notification, stand(s) superseded.

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