FSSAI: Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-13

FSSAI: Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-13

Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-13
Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-13
Dipika Chauhan

Last Updated on January 25, 2025 by The Health Master

Food Labelling

Continued from……. FSSAI: Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-12

Global Origins: Declaration of Country of Origin for Imported Foods

Food Label FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
Food Label FSSAI

In the interconnected world of international trade, transparency about the origin of food products is paramount.

The regulations surrounding the country of origin for imported foods are designed to provide consumers with clear information regarding the geographical source of the products they purchase.

1. Mandatory Declaration

(a) On the Label:

  • The country of origin of the food must be explicitly declared on the label of imported food products.
  • This declaration ensures that consumers are aware of the geographical source of the items they are purchasing.

(b) Processing Impact on Country of Origin:

In cases where a food product undergoes processing in a second country, resulting in a change in its nature and subsequently a change in the Harmonized System (HS) Code at the 6-digit level, the country in which this processing occurs is considered the country of origin for labelling purposes.

To be continued……. FSSAI: Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-14 (Coming soon)

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To be continued……. FSSAI: Food Labelling and Display – Chapter-9 (Coming soon)

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