Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Site Master File

The site master file provides a comprehensive overview of the manufacturing and quality control processes involved in the pharmaceutical manufacturing facility.

Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Site Master File
Revised Schedule M: Site Master File
Rakesh Dahiya

Last Updated on January 29, 2025 by The Health Master

Site Master File

Key considerations for Site Master File for compliance under revised Schedule M are outlined below.

Continued from: Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Biological products

Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products

Decoding the Site Master File: A Comprehensive Guide for Pharma Manufacturers

Key Points

What is a Site Master File?

  • It is a document that has details about the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) being followed at a pharmaceutical manufacturing unit.
  • The site master file provides a comprehensive overview of the manufacturing and quality control processes involved in the pharmaceutical manufacturing facility.

Key Components of a Site Master File:

General Information:

It provides the details of the company, manufacturing activities and details of the products permitted in the company, details of the employee, quality systems, and risk assessments done in the facility.


It contains the organizational structure of the company, qualifications and approval status of the key personnel, training programs of the employees, and medical health & hygiene requirements for the employees.


Having the details of facility layout, construction of the building, ventilation systems provided in the company, process of handling of hazardous materials, water systems established in the facility, and preventive maintenance programs done in the facility.


It contains a detailed description of all major equipment, preventive maintenance processes, and calibration procedures of the equipment.

Sanitation system:

Written processes and detailed procedures for cleaning manufacturing areas and equipment must be mentioned in the site master file.


It should contain all the documents related to the arrangements for preparing, storing, revising, and distributing all essential manufacturing and quality-related documentation.


It contains a detailed description of manufacturing operations, the process of handling materials, rejected materials, and the validation process of the manufacturing areas.

Quality Control & Quality:

The site master file must have the proper documentation system like change control, master validation plan, product quality review, and QC department activities done in the facility.

Loan License:

Having the details of procedures for maintaining and assessing GMP compliance of the loan licensees granted in the facility.

Distribution record & complaints:

The site master file must contain the distribution arrangements, handling of the complaint received about the product, and procedures and details of the product recall.


Having the details of all the self-inspection conducted in the facility, including the involvement of external experts for the same.

Export of Drugs:

Must have the details of the export of the drugs, including the complaints of recall of the exported products.

Pharma manufacturers’ compliance with Revised Schedule M:

Accurate and updated information:

All the accurate and updated information must be there in the site master, which may include the current practice of manufacturing.


Maintain comprehensive records, and all the documents should be maintained properly with respect to all aspects of manufacturing and quality control.

Risk Assessment:

Regularly perform thorough and detailed risk assessments and implement prompt and appropriate mitigation plans.

Training of the employee:

All the personnel must be provided regular and detailed training to all personnel involved regarding the manufacturing and quality control.

Quality Management System:

The quality management system must be robust and aligned with GMP regulations.

Regular Reviews:

Conduct regular reviews with respect to internal and external audits for the assessment of compliance with GMP. Areas for improvement must be identified.


Address the deficiencies promptly and investigate the issues effectively.

Stay Informed:

Always stay updated on the latest regulatory guidelines, circulars, notifications, and amendments to Schedule M.

Expert Guidance:

Always consult with qualified professionals or regulatory consultants and seek their guidance regarding ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations.

Please note: This information is for general guidance only and may not be exhaustive. Refer to the official regulations and any applicable guidance documents for specific requirements and interpretations.

Disclaimer: This information is for general guidance only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Pharma manufacturers should consult with relevant regulatory authorities for specific guidance and compliance requirements.

Note: This article aims to provide a basic understanding of the Site Master File and its significance in pharmaceutical manufacturing. It is crucial for pharmaceutical companies to maintain a comprehensive and accurate Site Master File to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and produce safe and effective medications.

Compiled by:
Rakesh DahiyaSDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana

Next: Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Radiopharmaceutical Products ….coming soon

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