Sustainable Skincare products: Part 3

Consumer wants to use products that are not only safe to use on their skin but should also be sustainable for our environment.

Cosmetics Skincare
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Nidhi Gudwani
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Last Updated on November 26, 2023 by The Health Master

Formulating with alternate ingredients that are ‘CLEAN- GREEN & SAFE’ for the environment and skin

Continue from Sustainable Skincare Products: Part 2……………….

Also, read Continue from Sustainable Skincare products: Part 1

On this topic, we have already discussed:

Part 1 – where we discussed everything about –

  1. Introduction to ‘clean’, ‘Green’ & ‘Safe’ Ingredients
  2. What is ‘Free From’ or ‘NO List’ of Formulations
  3. Alternatives to traditionally used harsh ingredients (1-3)
  4. Challenges in formulating & using ‘CLEAN- GREEN & SAFE’ COSMETICS (1-3)

Part 2 – we have discussed everything about –

  1. Alternatives to traditionally used harsh ingredients (4-7)
  2. Challenges in formulating & using ‘CLEAN- GREEN & SAFE’ COSMETICS (4-7)

Part 3 – we’ll spotlight on –

  •  Solution & Conclusion on CLEAN- GREEN & SAFE Cosmetics

Solution & Conclusion on CLEAN- GREEN & SAFE Cosmetics

All cosmetics products with clean, green, and safe ingredients are in high demand in the market.

The consumer wants to use products that are not only safe to use on their skin but also sustainable for the environment.

The major challenges that a customer faces while buying sustainable skincare are the information provided by the brand and its price.

  1. Sometimes brands fail to explain to customers that their product contains ingredients that are good for the customer’s skin as well as for the environment.
  2. It is often seen that brands highlight the inclusion of certain ingredients that show the product is clean and safe, but if you check the ingredients list, there might be certain ingredients that are actually harsh for the skin or non-biodegradable.

For example, a face scrub label claims that it is “PARABEN FREE’ but on checking the complete ingredient list, they might have sulfate-based cleansers and microbeads for exfoliation. These microbeads are non-dissolvable in water and harm aquatic life.

  • The high price of sustainable skincare is another challenge faced by a customer as the end price of the product has to be borne by the end user only. All good things come with a price, so it has to be borne by the user itself.

Why is one type of shampoo costlier than the same color of shampoo of another brand?

This is the major question in all customers’ heads. The answer to this question is very simple—

Just go through the complete ingredient list.”

Both products may have different surfactant bases, different actives, different extracts, and different preservatives, which eventually result in a huge difference in the price of the product.

For example, a shampoo with peptides and active ingredients may cost much more than a shampoo with simple herbal extracts.

So, before buying any personal care product, it’s always good to go through the ingredient list fully. Search information on the internet for any new or unknown ingredient.

The more you know about the effect of an ingredient, the easier it will be for you to choose the best-suited products for you.


It’s always good to be an aware consumer. Getting knowledge about the ingredients of a product & its effects on the user’s skin on Mother Earth is important.

One may find a clean, green, and safe personal care product a little heavy on the pocket, but it’s true that its benefits will overcome all the challenges that come its way.

“Buying a good skincare is not an expense but an investment for healthy skin in future.” Nidhi Gudwani

To be continued in Part 3……


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